Bruce was scared to death to do it. Even though he had been trained and done it 3 times already, Mrs. Claus was always there and doing anything new terrifies him. So he worried about it for hours and drove us crazy then I gave him a Klonopin and he hooked it up and he said that by the time he knew it was working, he was like "night night"... He slept all night, no problems. We were told it was loud but it is not at all, there is barely any noise.
There is a tube running into the bathroom shower and Luna got very curious about it because she could see it move. She didn't know whether to bite it or bark or what. She finally decided it wasn't important and left.
Bruce felt great this morning because he wasn't so bloated. Mrs. Claus called to check in and it turns out his blood pressure is low again. Could be because the machine is working better than what he was doing manually and he doesn't need to take blood pressure lowering medicine. One could only hope! But they will monitor him all week and adjust. She already told him to change to a lower size bag.
I hope this is the beginning of some improvement. please!
Easter Everyday
8 years ago